Environment and Sustainability Committee
Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales

EPP 44 Phil Bettley




I would like my comments to be submitted to the Environment and Sustainability Committee with regard to the petition on ‘No to TAN8 wind farms & high voltage lines spoiling our communities’.


I strongly believe that if the full life time cost of all methods of energy production, both monetary and carbon, were taken into account and the impact on the environment and ecology is factored in, wind turbines would be exposed as non starters in terms of renewable energy.


TAN 8 takes no regard whatsoever of the value of our landscape. No environmental studies have been undertaken on the impact of TAN 8 nor its cumulative effects. The principle attribute of mid Wales is its landscape and the proliferation of wind turbines and pylons, both 50m and 26m tall, will ruin vast tracts of this beautiful countryside. Large areas of forest will be cut down, tonnes of peat removed and millions of cubic yards of concrete laid to accommodate the potential turbines which TAN 8 allows for. Pylons are visually obtrusive and cause depreciation of house and land value by up to 70%. Furthermore, the Draper report indicates a potential increase in childhood leukaemia of 69% for those within 200m of a power line. Schools will close, houses will be uninhabitable or unsellable and our communities and schools will be devastated.


Finally, renewable technology is moving on. Many companies are turning away from on shore turbines due to their controversial siting and due to the fact that offshore windfarms many hundreds of miles out to sea are more efficient. PV technology is rapidly improving. On shore wind energy will soon be discredited as completely unviable.


I’d appreciate you taking these comments into account.


Many thanks,


Phil Bettley


(Further Submission below)

Environment and Sustainability Committee
Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales

EPP 44 – Phil Bettley


I would like my comments to be submitted to the Environment and Sustainability Committee with regard to the petition on ‘Transport of wind turbines in mid Wales’.


Massive loads of over 200 tonnes will be inflicted on roads that were originally built to withstand nothing more than a horse and card. Roads and bridges will be damaged beyond repair or will have to be improved such that more historic and picturesque roads, walls and bridges will be destroyed and upgraded.


Over 3000 abnormal loads will be inflicted on our roads over a 5 year period, and possibly longer as turbine repairs and replacements will then be required. 22,500 loads of construction traffic will be needed.


There was no mention of these transport issues in TAN 8.


I’d appreciate you taking these comments into account.


Many thanks,


Phil Bettley